Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Archetype, Prototype, and Hybrid

            These three terms basically mean idea, process, and improvements. This semester we have been working on a project in studio called, found in translation. And we basically are constantly coming up with ideas and following a process and then constantly making changes to improve the design. This is similar to how the Greeks sort of perfected the Egyptians column concept and used them in their structures. The romans then came and used the column on buildings for looks, but by themselves they were monuments.



            Source basically means a story and I can closely relate to that because that was one of our first projects in studio and that was to read a story and gain inspiration for an idea, which then leads to the process and improvement stages. We did this to enhance the complexity of our design, to give it more structure.



            Entourage to me means anything that surrounds a structure and plays a key role in its design. Now in Patrick’s class we learned about Rome and how their surroundings greatly influenced their architecture. Thus being because Rome was surrounded by ancient Greek ruins, meaning that the Romans learned some structural techniques from the Greeks.



            In architecture hierarchy refers to how important a structure or a person was. In Greece, in the Acropolis, the Parthenon overlooks everything, meaning that the temple for Athena was very important. Also they believed in a natural landscape, which goes very well with the designs.



            Not only was the Acropolis a great example of hierarchy, but also it is a great example of order. Thus being because the temple for Athena was very important and the Greeks wanted people to know this, so they would put clues in other building or monuments that actually lead your eye to Athena’s temple.


            Finally all of these terms affect how the archetype, prototype, and hybrid operate. Because they are all key components in how your process begins. Ideas would not be as great without all of these parts, and thus allowing the idea begin the rest of the process falls right in afterwards.

1 comment:

Richard Stafursky said...


The natural landscape is a place under the control of natural forces. People build next to the natural landscape, but they can never complement the natural landscape with structures. Structures always degrade natural features. Also, building a thousand feet or so next to natural features or the natural landscape always has a negative impact on the natural landscape.

Richard H. Stafursky
Pres., WSLF
Conway, MA (Massachusetts), United States (USA)
(802) 257-9158

WSL (World Species List Forest)

The Natural Landscape